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Know that you can escape the justice system of men, but you certainly will not escape the judgment of God.
You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to Hell? Matthew 23:33
Nota Bene
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The soul of an accident victim coming out of his body
(Updated on 15 07 2024)
Dear friend, take a closer look at the images below. They are not a montage, they are real. These are images filmed by a roadside surveillance camera... The video from which these images are taken can be found on the website We encourage you to go to this website to see for yourself this video, which retraces the complete film of this sad and unfortunate event.
Here, traffic flows normally. |
Here, the accident happens. |
Here, we see the soul of the accident victim leaving his body. |
Here, policemen near the visible body, and his soul invisible to the naked eye. |
Life hangs by a thread. The end of a life is as unforeseeable as it is unpredictable. This person left his house that day, with the assurance that he would return home as usual. He could never have imagined that he was leaving his home for the very last time. He had no idea that on that fateful day, he would be parting for good, from everything he had spent his entire life suffering for. When going out that day, without realizing it, he was forever leaving all his possessions (houses, cars, money, land, diplomas, in short, everything), to go off into eternity.
What happened to that person that day is what awaits you, you who read this message. This is what awaits every man still alive on this earth. Yes, we will all leave the earth. This is an established fact. What we do not know is when and how.
When a person dies, their soul leaves their body immediately, and passively witnesses everything that happens around their body. As you have seen in these images, this soul, which has left the body, is there; he sees people bustling around his body; he hears them talking; he also tries to talk to them, but realizes that no one hears him. He gestures, and realizes that no one sees him. This is the sad reality. At this moment, he comes face to face with reality. He suddenly and finally realizes that eternity is indeed a reality. This is when he understands that the body can die, but not the soul.
God created the body of Man to die, but his soul to live forever. The soul of every person will therefore live forever, either in Paradise or in Hell. So, remember, dear friend, that your life on earth is only a transition to eternal life. Your life on this earth is fleeting. God created you to live forever, and you will live forever, whether you like it or not. As soon as you die, real life begins. In reality, it is only your body that dies. Your soul will live forever.
And as you have already noticed by observing all those who have died around you, no one takes anything when they leave the earth. He who dies takes neither money, nor houses, nor cars, nor diplomas, nor fame, nor any property. Every man comes into this world empty-handed, and leaves the world empty-handed. It is after death that he realizes that he has spent all his time working for things that he would leave behind when he leaves the earth, things that would be of no use to him for eternity. It is at this moment that he realizes the vanity of the things of the earth. And unfortunately, he only realizes it when it is too late. It is therefore important, dear friend, that you think about the following question:
Where will you spend your Eternity? |
In Paradise? |
or |
In Hell? |
Both Paradise and Hell are real places, and it is in one of these two places that every man will spend eternity.
Matthew 13:41-43 "41The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. 42They will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 43Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear."
Matthew 25:31-46 "31When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, He will sit on His throne in heavenly glory. 32All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33He will put the sheep on His right and the goats on His left. 34Then the King will say to those on His right, come, you who are blessed by My Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. ... 41Then He will say to those on His left, depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. … 46Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life."
At the time you are reading this message, you are still alive, but you do not know for how long. Repent therefore, before it is too late for you! Do not put off your salvation until tomorrow, for tomorrow does not belong to you.
The Word of God says: "... 3… I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again. 4How can a man be born when he is old? Nicodemus asked. Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb to be born! 5Jesus answered, I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit." John 3:1-5.
As you have just read, no one will enter Heaven without being born again, that is, without being born of water and the Spirit. And to be born of water means getting baptized in water, that is, by immersion, after having accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Personal Saviour, and after having confessed all their sins. And to be born of the Spirit means to receive the Holy Spirit which is freely given to anyone who accepts Jesus Christ as Saviour. Anyone who chooses to be born of water by accepting Jesus Christ automatically receives the seal of the Holy Spirit, which makes him a child of God.
Mark 16:16 says: "Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned." We therefore understand that we must believe before getting baptized. Believing does not simply mean acknowledging the existence of God, as it is the case of many people in this world. To believe means to recognize that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, to accept His sacrifice on the cross, and to adopt Him as the new Master with all the submission that this implies. This is what it means "to give your life to Jesus".
It is therefore established that to be saved is not a question of being a Catholic, or a Christian, or a Jehovah’s witness, or a Muslim, or a Buddhist, or a traditionalist, etc. Nor is it a question of doing a lot of good and good works. God in His Plan has prepared One and Only One way for Man to be saved. "Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." John 14:6.
So, whatever the colour of your skin, whether you are materially rich or poor, whether you went to school or not, whether you belong to a religious group or not, the only thing to do in order to be saved is to accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour.
Belonging or not to a Church is not important, because no Church can save. Being a member of the family of a Priest or Pastor, or any other Servant of God, does not matter, because no man can save, and no human relationship can save. The more or less deceptive titles we have in society will have no importance before the Judgment of God. The intellectual level more or less honouring that we have will be of no contribution on the day of Judgment. Jesus Christ is, and remains the Only gate to Paradise. John 10:9 says, "I am the gate; whoever enters through Me will be saved. ..."
Why Jesus Christ and not someone else? Because Jesus Christ alone sacrificed Himself for the sins of humanity. No other man, be it a Prophet, died for our sins; and no woman, be it the mother of Jesus, died for our sins. 1Timothy 2:5-6 says, "5For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 6who gave Himself as a ransom for all men ...".
And if you are wondering how to give your life to Jesus Christ, say the following prayer believing it in your heart: Lord Jesus Christ, I now accept you as my Lord and my personal Saviour. I give you my life and invite You to dwell in me. Make me a child of God. I acknowledge that I am a sinner and know that You died on the cross to save me. I ask you for forgiveness for all my sins and pray that you wash me with Your precious blood. Deliver me from every unclean spirit, every bond, every satanic pact, and from every curse. From this moment on, I want to live for You. I thank you for Your great love and for saving me. Amen!
If you say this prayer, feel free to write to us at, and we will help you find other Children of God who have chosen to serve God in the Sound Doctrine. With them, you will be able to be baptized, and prepare yourself for eternity with Jesus Christ the King of kings and the Lord of lords.
This message is now clear to all, and no one can pretend to be ignorant. Without repentance and without baptism by immersion, it is Hell that awaits you. You are warned! He who wants Heaven now knows what to do to enter Heaven, and he who prefers Hell, will find himself in Hell, and will not be surprised to find himself there.
You who read this message, you know very well that you will die one day, whether you like it or not. What you do not know, however, is that you will one day find yourself before the great Judgment of God; "Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment". Hebrews 9:27. What will you say to God on that day?
You who have shunned witchcraft and have abandoned the life of sin to live for Jesus Christ, you who have confessed all your sins and got baptized in water for the forgiveness of your sins, you who have renounced the seduction that reigns in religious milieus, and have chosen to live according to the Sound Doctrine of Christ, remember that you have made the right choice. Paradise is Real, and it is Eternal. Hold on tight! Cling on to the end, you will never regret it. The reign with Jesus Christ is what awaits you for eternity. So, do not be discouraged, whatever the difficulties. Your eternity will be glorious. As soon as you leave the suffering of the earth, you will enter perfect happiness, to spend your eternity there.
And you who still live in witchcraft, you who still happily indulge in sin, you who still run after the things of the world and stubbornly refuse to accept that the things of the world are fleeting, you who are ready to sell into witchcraft your father, your mother, your wife, your husband, your children, your other family members, and even your friends for money, for the vain glory of the world, or for a job, you who are prepared to let your anus be destroyed by demons who promise to make you succeed in a competitive examination, or to get you appointed to any position, or to get you promoted, you who join freemasonry, the rosicrucian or any other satanic lodge, in order to have a good social position, you who pass yourself off as a Christian while still practising witchcraft, and you who pretend to be a child of God by preferring to live in the false gospel, know that if death surprises you in your state, you will regret it for eternity. Hell is Real, and it is Eternal. Think about it! Repent while there is still time. Quickly renounce witchcraft and all the other abominations in which you live, and accept Jesus Christ without wasting time. Otherwise, as soon as you leave the suffering of the earth, you will enter into a greater suffering, into an indescribable torment, to spend your eternity there.
Remember once again that every man who was conceived in the womb of a woman, including the foetus that some women like to abort, will live forever. So, do not play with your eternity.
If you are looking for good teachings for your spiritual growth, do not hesitate to visit You will find there all the teachings that you need, and the answers to the different questions you may have.
Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love!
Dear brothers and sisters,
If you have run away from fake churches and would like to know what to do, here are the two options available to you:
1- See if around you there are some other children of God who fear God and desire to live according to the Sound Doctrine. If you find any, feel free to join them.
2- If you do not find one and wish to join us, our doors are open to you. The only thing we will ask you to do is to first read all the Teachings that the Lord has given us, and which are on our website, to reassure yourself that they are in conformity with the Bible. If you find them in accordance with the Bible, and are ready to submit to Jesus Christ, and live by the demands of His word, we will gladly welcome you.
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you!
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