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Know that you can escape the justice system of men, but you certainly will not escape the judgment of God.


You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to Hell? Matthew 23:33


Nota Bene


This Book is regularly updated. We recommend that you download the latest version from www.mcreveil.org.



(Updated on 01 01 2024)


1- Introduction


Dear brothers and dear friends, we find it important to provide you with the transcription of a short video by Frédéric Chaumont, which warns the whole world against the Covid-19 vaccine, which is nothing but extermination of the human race by the demons who control the world. This warning is clear enough and documented enough to convince the most skeptical. You will find the video itself either on Frédéric's website or on the mcreveil.org website. For your own sake and that of your family, take this message seriously, and share it as much as possible. The whole world must be alerted while there is still time.


The world is coming to an end and the mark of the beast announced in the Bible a few thousand years ago is on the verge of being effective, with the arrival of the reign of the antichrist. For more information, please read the Teaching entitled "The Mark of the Beast", which can be found on the website www.mcreveil.org under the End Times menu.


This poison called Covid-19 vaccine, once launched, will be imposed on people in almost every country in the world, as a condition for travel, for work, for transportation, for shopping, etc. This will be the condition to fulfil in order to have access to everything, and to enjoy one's freedoms. Remember very well that this abominable decision that will be taken, supposedly to fight the Covid-19 pandemic, will have nothing to do with any desire to protect people against any virus. It is a satanic plan to destroy humanity.


We have made available to you other valuable articles that expose this plan of satan, among which, "David Icke: The Covid-19 Conspiracy"; "Covid-19: Ban on Effective Remedies"; "Covid-19: Masks and Barrier Gestures Are Useless"; "Covid-19: A Juicy Business for Hospitals"; "The Covid-19 Lie Revealed"; "Physician Warns about Covid Vaccine"; "Covid-19 Vaccines: Weapons Of Mass Destruction"; "Professor Jean-Bernard Fourtillan in Danger"; "Funeral Director Exposes Covid's Scam"; "Vaccine: An Extremely Dangerous Poison"; "The Truth About AIDS"; "C Medicine: An Organized Genocide"; etc. and several videos. You can find all these articles on the website www.mcreveil.org.


2- Warning Vaccine - The Whole Truth


Frédéric Chaumont for the site verite-covid19.fr. Good morning all. Here is the truth about the vaccine that the New World Order wants to impose on us all. Before going any further, a warning on this video seems necessary. Everything you will see and hear in this video has been the subject of very extensive research thanks to the assistance of Professor Jean-Bernard Fourtillan, Doctor Christian Tal Schaller. Everything you will hear is fully verifiable on the links below this video and also on the site www.verite-covid19.fr.


Take a look at this patent for example, W02020/060606, the applicant of which is none other than the Microsoft company created among others by Bill Gates. This document was made on the 26th March 2020. This patent covers a very large number of countries. In fact almost the entire planet. Let us take a closer look at this diagram: Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data. What is that?



The little guy here is you, is me, the first to come.


The Sensor corresponds to the nanoparticles that will be added to the vaccine vial. It’s a bit like a microchip implanted under your cat or dog’s skin. The difference is you’re going to find thousands, millions of them in just one bags and dose. Once injected together with the vaccine you will keep them until death and even after. Impossible to get rid of it, you’re marked for life.


What is the User Device? It’s your cell phone. It will be able to communicate with the nanoparticles that will circulate in your veins. Of course, your mobile phone is connected to the Internet with…with what? With the new 5G networks of course. From then on you can be spotted and located by the authorities at any time of the day or night.


Now that’s annoying. You want to throw your cell phone to a river? You want to detonate it in a microwave oven? But beware, if you come across someone who has a cell phone you are spotted again. And yes, all the cell phones around you spot you. To no longer be spotted, you would have to go to the middle of the ocean, to the middle of the desert or to a forest as long as you don’t see anyone with a cell phone. What happens if everyone throws away his cell phone? Yes, do not forget that 5G relays can easily be found in electricity meters, in urban furniture structures, in radars, red lights, etc. Therefore, to no longer be spotted, it will be necessary to change planets.


Now let’s simplify our diagram.



The vaccine and the nanoparticles are mixed in a syringe. The vaccine and the nanoparticles are therefore injected simultaneously into your body. From that moment on, your mobile phone will locate you immediately. And by the magic of 5G networks your location is no longer a secret to the authorities.


What’s on the menu for this vaccine? Here’s a summary of the calamities of the vaccine they want to inject into your body:


- 4 fragments of HIV1, the AIDS virus, which give vaccinated people AIDS syndrome and the resulting Immunodeficiency;

- DNA sequences from the germ of malaria which give malaria to vaccinated people;

- 157 additional DNA and protein sequences, (see patent US 8.243.718 B2) the presence and role of which are unexplained;

- Nanoparticles that will allow definitive control of people vaccinated thanks to 5G.


ChAdOx1 n-Cov-19 vaccine that they want to inject into your body contains:


- ChAdOx1 n-Cov-19: Covid-19 coronavirus carried by the ChAdOx1 adenovirus vector;

- Nanoparticles: describe in Microsoft patent PCT/US 2019/038084, which will allow controlling you thanks to 5G;

- Preservative disinfectants: either Thimerosal or Formaldehyde and antibiotics.


Covid-19 is an artificial coronavirus made in France by the Institut Pasteur from natural Sars-CoV, coronavirus. Covid-19 is the result of several genetic manipulations of a strain of coronavirus Sars-CoV associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome SRAS resulting from a sample, collected from bronchoalveolar washings of Sars infected patients by scientists of the Institut Pasteur, before 2003, at the French hospital in Hanoi (Vietnam).


First step: Sars-CoV1 was produced by first patent filed in 2003, European patents and US patents from Sars-CoV collected in Hanoi before 2003.


Second step: Sars-CoV2 was a continuation of the first US patent protected by the second US patent filed in 2011 from Sars-CoV1.


Third step: Covid-19 was produced from Sars-CoV2 by inserting into its genome four sequences of HIV1, AIDS virus, which is an RNA virus. The father of Covid-19 is Doctor Fréderic Tangy, Director of Vaccine Innovation at the Institut Pasteur.


Actually, Covid-19 was made in France by French scientists at the Institut Pasteur from natural Sars-CoV, coronavirus, then transferred to Wuhan where French people of the Institut Pasteur released it deliberately, unbeknownst to scientists in the Wuhan laboratory and the Chinese government. When she says Covid-19 is not a Chinese virus, China Does Not Lie.


The vaccine, once injected will not have an immediate effect. It is only later that you will die of malaria, AIDS, or any other disease against which your immune system can no longer do anything. Finally, by the forced creation of an immunodeficiency this vaccine will take away all means of curing any disease, the perfect crime against humanity.


You can therefore see the degree of perversity of this vaccine weapon. We invite anyone who considers the information in this video to be fake news to check their accuracy on the links provided under this video.


So ends this video sequence, which I suggest you download and share widely. Thank you for your attention. I wish you all good luck.


3- Promoters of this satanic vaccine


The promoters of this satanic vaccine are Bill Gates and his allies:


Bill Gates, Emmanuel Macron, Jacques Attali, Agnès Buzyn, Yves Lévy, Olivier Véran, Jérôme Salomon, Dominique Martin, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Anthony Fauci, Frédéric Tangy, Adrian Hill.



That's it! The people know what awaits them! All they have to do now is to act accordingly...


Professeur Jean-Bernard Fourtillan

Docteur Serge Rader

Docteur Christian Tal Schaller

Frédéric Chaumont


4- Conclusion


Dear brothers and dear friends, you should know that there has never been a good vaccine, as you can read in the article entitled "Vaccine: An Extremely Dangerous Poison", which you can find on the website www.mcreveil.org, in the Health Section. But, unlike other vaccines that were intended for the genocide of only a few groups of people, this vaccine against Covid-19 is unique in that it aims to destroy all of humanity. Save yourself from this perverse generation. Times are over. We are living what the Bible calls the End Times. Biblical prophecies are being fulfilled before our very eyes. For those who did not believe the Bible, it is time to pay attention to it. We advise you, even out of curiosity, to read what the Bible foretold thousands of years ago, in relation to the end times. Read Matthew chapter 24, Luke chapter 17, and go through the book of Revelation.


Now that the vaccine against Covid-19 has been shown to be a poison whose pernicious effects will be irreversible, all you have to do is run away from it. Do not accept the Covid-19 vaccine for the world. This satanic poison will not only destroy your body, it will also destroy your soul. Know that all these wicked who encourage you to take this vaccine are vampires. They have sold their souls to the devil, and do not want to perish alone. They are demons. Do not listen to them! If you want to understand the nature of these people, and why they are so wicked, read the teaching entitled "Discernment," which you will find at www.mcreveil.org.


Warning: When the satanic Covid-19 vaccine is launched, you will see several world leaders making a spectacle of themselves on television, getting vaccinated in front of everyone. Do not fall into the trap of these hypocrites. Some will have their own vaccine different from the vaccine they impose on you; others will just pretend to be vaccinated. Remember, these people are real scoundrels, people who should never be taken seriously. Therefore, even if you see them being vaccinated, do not imitate them. Never accept this poison vaccine of eternal death. This vaccine will lead you to physical death and to spiritual death. DO NOT TAKE IT! DO NOT TAKE IT! DO NOT TAKE IT!


Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love!




Dear brothers and sisters,


If you have run away from fake churches and would like to know what to do, here are the two options available to you:


1- See if around you there are some other children of God who fear God and desire to live according to the Sound Doctrine. If you find any, feel free to join them.


2- If you do not find one and wish to join us, our doors are open to you. The only thing we will ask you to do is to first read all the Teachings that the Lord has given us, and which are on our website www.mcreveil.org, to reassure yourself that they are in conformity with the Bible. If you find them in accordance with the Bible, and are ready to submit to Jesus Christ, and live by the demands of His word, we will gladly welcome you.


The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you!


Source & Contact:

Website: https://www.mcreveil.org
E-mail: mail@mcreveil.org

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