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(Updated on 01 01 2024)
brothers and dear friends, we
would like to put at your disposal an excerpt from the interview of
Author and Speaker David Icke on the so-called
Covid-19 pandemic that is
currently paralyzing the whole world. It emerges from this interview,
that the
Covid-19 pandemic is a big scam of the agents of Hell who rule this
world. The
real purpose of this sad comedy is to finalize the project of the New
Order that these luciferians have begun since, but which according to
projection, had fallen far behind.
we have been telling you for
several years now, we are living in the end times, and in accordance
Biblical prophecies, the whole world will soon turn into an
dictatorship, leading to the confiscation of all human freedoms. We are
to enter what the Bible calls the reign of the antichrist, a reign in
cash will disappear, and every inhabitant of the earth in order to live
survive will be forced to accept a chip either on the hand or on the
For all of you who have never heard of this subject, we advise you to
chapter 13 of the book of Revelation, which is the last book of the
Bible, or
the Teaching entitled "The Mark of the Beast",
you will find on the website
interview with David Icke by
journalist Brian Rose of the London Real news channel will give you a
understanding of what is hidden behind this lie of the century, called
Covid-19. Therefore, remember very well that The Coronavirus
Does Exist;
but the Covid-19 presented as a pandemic is a
masquerade, aimed at
setting up the reign of the antichrist announced in the Bible for
thousands of
of Interview]
I'm Brian Rose. My guest today is
David Icke, the English writer and public speaker known since the 1990s
as a
professional conspiracy researcher, calling yourself a full time
into who and what is really controlling the world. You are the author
of 21
books and 10 DVD, and have lectured in over 25 countries speaking live
for up
to 10 hours to huge audiences, filling stadiums like Wembley Arena. You
here for the second occasion today to talk about the Covid-19 pandemic
global lockdown, the looming economic recession, the impact of 5G
and the violations of our rights and freedoms of speech. David, welcome
back to
London Real.
Thank you, Brian.
It's been 19 days since you last came
on the show. Since then, we are told that millions of people have been
worldwide with this disease, with deaths now approaching 100 000.
Nearly 3
billion people are locked down in their homes. Markets are off 30% and
a global
recession is pending. Our last conversation went, quite frankly, viral,
Over 7 million views that I can count, the most comments of any episode
London Real history, which tells me one thing, that people want to hear
opinion and people want to hear the truth.
as you know, I don't agree with
everything you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say
it. And at
a time in this country when the regulator, Ofcom, is banning media
outlets from
talking about the "5G Corona virus, conspiracy theories", I get very
concerned. A lot of people told me not to do this interview today,
again. But
in America, where I'm from, the First Amendment of the Constitution is
right to free speech and freedom of the press. And that right is being
right now as we speak. George Orwell, in his famous book, 1984, said, "In
times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
And David, that's what we're going to do today. Honestly, I didn't even
know if
we'd make it to this moment. I thought we might be shut down today.
Where do we
start? Is there a virus?
Since we last spoke, Brian, I've
spent every waking moment, which has been most of every 24 hours,
information from virologists, specialists, doctors all around the world
- in
America, in Germany, in Austria, Italy - who would never be allowed to
get near
the BBC or CNN, because they are demolishing the official story of this
And if people go to when this interview is over, I've put
special posting of a series of videos; it says "For viewers to London
Real", a series of videos by these doctors and others who in their
ways support all the elements of what I'm going to say today. So, this
is not
me pulling it out the ether. There's no point in that. What's the
point? You
either deal with facts and what people who should know say, or you
this is the headline to start
with, which will shock a lot of people, I'm sure. There is no Covid-19.
doesn't exist. And I'm going to explain today why
that is and how
therefore a pandemic perception could be pulled off. Now, one of the
that I've been looking at is called Andrew Kaufman. He is a medical
doctor in
America. He works in psychiatry now. And he, like a lot of these
doctors you'll
never see on the BBC, started looking at the sequence of events that's
led us
to where we are now. And this is how it went.
started getting ill for
whatever reason in China. And the Chinese authorities took genetic
from the fluid in the lungs of people who got ill, only a few, a very
number; and they found what we would call genetic material. It wasn't
isolated virus. It was genetic material, which can be there from a long
list of
causes, including lung cancer. And they decided that what was causing
illness was a virus, which has got the name Covid-19. But at no time
did they
isolate that so-called virus from the rest of the genetic material,
much of
which will be found in the bodies of most people.
they start out before they started
testing, diagnosing people in China from symptoms. And you will have
heard this
constantly recurring theme about Coronavirus or Covid-19, because
there's lots
of coronaviruses, Covid-19 symptoms. And you'll hear this recurring
"Flu-like symptoms". Now, these flu-like symptoms can be caused by a
great range of different causes. But they decided on symptoms which
could come
from many different causes. But those symptoms were now Covid-19. So
you had
flu-like symptoms Covid-19, Covid-19, and so the numbers got bigger and
And when we get to 5G, there is another element to this, which I also
want to
talk about in relation to China and in relation to the West as well.
then developed this test or start
using this test to test for Covid-19, and it's called RT-PCR test. It
test for Covid-19. It tests for the genetic material, which has loads
different content, caused by many, many, many different possible
causes. And if
you test positive for the genetic material, not Covid-19, you are
diagnosed to
have Covid-19. And if you die, to have died from it.
let's look at this RT-PCR test. It
was developed, invented by a guy called Kary Mullis, a biochemist in
America in
1984. And it's used to try to diagnose many things. The same test has
been used
to try to diagnose lung cancer. The same test of genetic material that
they are
saying, "You test positive, you've got Covid-19". Now, what did this
Kary Mullis say? The inventor of the test, what did he say? "This test
should not be used to diagnose infectious disease." The inventor of it
said that. What are they doing to tell us who has and has not got this
so-called Covid-19? The test that he said shouldn't be used for that
This is why people always test positive for Coronavirus
So, you test for this genetic
material and you've got Covid-19, but there's another part of this.
What this
test does is it amplifies the material. In other words, it makes it
larger. And
as it gets larger in the cycles of amplification, what you say is
causing the
disease gets bigger, and you can see it more. But all the other content
of the
genetic material also gets amplified. And loads of this genetic
material is already
in the body of virtually everybody. And this is how the test works. You
can fix
the figures so easy like this.
do say, 30, 35 cycles of
amplification. You're going to bring into the test positive, a series
of things
within that genetic material that become there to be seen at that
level. So
you're going to get some positives, which you're going to call
Covid-19. But
you're going to get some negatives, because you haven't brought all
material into the testing process. But you amplify the genetic
material, say,
60 times. You have brought so much of the content of the genetic
material to be
entering the test process that, at that level of amplification,
everybody will test positive because all the genetic material that's in
people's body will now be testing positive in the test through this
amplification. This means that the number of cycles of amplification
you use in
different countries dictates how many positive tests you get.
Therefore, all
you've got to do is increase the amplification, and you're going to get
and more positives and you're going to call them Covid-19.
And amplification is how sensitive
that test is.
Imagine you've got something the size
of a pin symbolically, pinhead. You can't really understand it because
it's so
small, you amplify it and it becomes much greater and you can now start
at different elements of it.
And that's what the test does. It
amplifies that.
another thing is that in 1890,
Robert Koch, who was a bacteriologist and physician, developed
something called
the Koch's postulates, and these were four criteria for proving that an
a so-called infectious agent, is the cause of what you say it is. This
includes, one, that everyone who is subject to this agent has the same
symptoms. Two, that you have isolated this agent, call it a virus,
whatever, you've isolated it, so there's no other material, only that;
so there's
no contamination, there's no false positives in the way I've described,
you are
only isolating that. Three, when you take that and you, say, inject it
into a
living host, that host will get what you say that is causing. And when
got that host, you are able, four, to take that material you say is
causing the
illness, the infectious illness, out of the person and again inject it
someone else, and they will get it.
terms of Covid-19, not one single
one of those four Koch's postulates, which have been used since 1890 by
mainstream medicine the world over to prove that this is infecting and
that, not one of them have been used and fulfilled, none of them. So
then we
come to something else that Andrew Kaufman identified, which was a
piece of observation and research. You can see it in his video on
when this is over. What happens when a cell gets poisoned is it
something called exosomes. This is part of the natural, everyday immune
response to poisoned cells. And these exosomes, as they are released
they're only released when the cell is poisoned, and it can be poisoned
many, many reasons, it can be toxicity; it can also
be poisoned through
stress and fear.
you imagine the stress and fear that's
going on in the world now, during this lockdown? It can be caused by
infection. And it can be caused by electromagnetic fields, which will
very relevant when we get into 5G. So these exosomes are released, and
one of
the roles of exosomes is poisoned cells warning other cells as they
around, "There is a problem. Get ready. Look, there's a problem
here". So, all you have to do to get exosomes released is to have
cells by these various reasons. What Kaufman started looking at was,
under the
microscope, pictures of exosomes, what they look like. And then, he
looked at
an under-the-microscope picture of what is claimed to be Covid-19.
These two
were exactly the same.
then starts looking at the genetic
makeup of the exosomes, which you will find in the lung fluid of people
have problems with their lungs because the problems are generating the
of exosomes; and he looked at the genetic makeup claimed for Covid-19.
They are
exactly the same in every relevant way. An exosome and so-called
Covid-19 even
lock into the same cell receptors as each other. They are, as Kaufman
clearly shown, the same thing. So what's gone on here is they've taken
natural response mechanism of the body immune system to poisonous
cells, and
they've renamed it Covid-19. Now, this genetic material they've taken
from the
lungs of people and that is the basis of this test will contain, by its
nature, these exosomes. So, they're finding a natural human immune
response mechanism, this secretion from poisoned cells, and they're
calling it
The real reason behind the Covid-19 victims' number
because anyone who has any level
of cellular toxicity is going to produce these exosomes, then the
potential for
positive tests, yes, Covid-19 is a pandemic, is endless. This global
cult that
I have been exposing for 30 years that is pushing the world towards
global, fascist, Orwellian state, which I've been saying was coming for
years has no borders. It operates in every country in the shadows.
are just here today, gone tomorrow. That's always there. China is one
of its
biggest centres, along with America, Israel, Britain, Germany, Italy,
and so
just follow this sequence through.
decide in China early on, and
there's a 5G element to this, which we'll get into later, that is a
virus. They
don't isolate the virus, they test it, or they diagnose it, first of
all, only
on symptoms, and then they start testing, and they use this test which
testing for genetic material, not Covid-19. And then it starts moving
out into
the West. And Western doctors, nurses, medical professionals, etc. are
this Covid-19 is moving out. World Health Organization, "It's a
pandemic!" And we'll get into who owns the World Health Organization
later. "And these are the symptoms". So what did they start doing?
Anyone with flu-like symptoms now gets diagnosed Covid-19, purely on
symptoms. And so the numbers start to go up.
problem is that this is supposed
to be a deadly virus. But there's not enough people dying to justify
description. So, this is what they start doing. Anyone who gets ill for
reason whatsoever, by the way, even falling down the freaking stairs,
and goes
to hospital, they now get tested for Covid-19. Now, because they're
testing for
genetic material, which is in lots of people's bodies, they get lots of
positives. And although they're in hospital for late stage cancer, for
disease and heart failure and for other caused flu-like symptoms, if
tested positive for Covid-19, when they die, they are diagnosed as
having died
officially from Covid-19. This is why you are having more and more
families, loved ones, saying, "My family member", whatever, "has
been diagnosed as having died from Covid-19, and they didn't. They died
this, they died from that; they've had it for ages."
example. For people around the
world watching this, there was a famous comedian called Eddie Large in
a comedy
duo called Little and Large. And Eddie Large has had a heart problem
for a
while, it seems. And he goes into hospital with heart failure. While
he's in
hospital, he gets diagnosed with Covid-19, because they tested him. And
when he
died, the wording in the papers, in the media was that Eddie Large died
hospital after testing positive for Covid-19. He died of a failing
heart, but
Covid-19 will be the diagnosis. And the numbers keep going up.
The media are lying about the number of deaths from Covid-19
You're saying the total
numbers of deaths in the world has not changed anomalously but we've
reclassified them as Covid-19 because they tested positive. And you
said the
language is interesting because they don't say they died from Covid-19,
they say they died after testing positive to Covid-19.
This is interesting. I've been making
this point now for some many days. Watch the media language as they
used with
Eddie Large. Overwhelmingly, they're not saying that this person or
this number
have died from Covid-19. Very difficult to die from something you
can't even
prove, exists. They say, this is the wording and you see it
repeated all
the time, "This person or this number died after testing positive for
Covid-19", not that they died from it. But look at the implication. Oh,
Eddie Large died from Covid-19. Oh, everyone's getting it. And so, you
control of the figures by the way you transfer symptoms from other
causes to "You've
got Covid-19". You control the figures by the way you test,
not for
Covid-19, but for a genetic material. And you control the death figures
by who
you designate as died from Covid-19 when they've died from other things.
are being designated to have
died from Covid-19 who have late stage cancer. And here's a figure for
Brian. This is official figures from the Italian medical establishment,
what we
would call in Britain the National Health Service. Ninety-nine percent
people who have died from Covid-19 in Italy, 99%, have had one, two,
three or
more other health problems for which they were in hospital or for which
were suffering. And so it's so easy to take people dying of other
things and to
then designate them Covid-19. This is not to say all the nurses and all
doctors are in on it. You only need a hierarchy to say this is what you
have to
do, and they do it. This is how it works.
last time I looked, the death
figures from all causes in Europe overall and in the United Kingdom had
risen compared with last year, etc. to the extent that it even begins
encompass all the people we are told are dying from Covid-19. And the
reason is
that (but that could change for reasons I'll come to when we get to
5G), vastly
more people are not dying. They're being redesignated to have died from
Covid-19 when they've died from other things. Now, let's look at
which is the centre of the Italian outbreak, which has been such a
focus of
attention, and the rest of Europe in the Western world has been
frightened to
death, oh we could be Italy next.
which includes Milan is
notorious globally for its toxic, polluted air, just as Wuhan in China
is. And
therefore, vastly more people die every year in Lombardy, not least
from lung
problems than do in the rest of Italy. The last figures I saw, just a
small few
hundred under one hundred thousand people died in a year in Lombardy.
The next
second place, the Italian region Lazio, was fifty seven thousand. So
you have
an area of Italy where loads of people die, not least from lung
disease. And
you have tremendous potential, therefore, to make this diagnostic leap,
takes people dying of other things and makes it seem as if they've died
Covid-19. And therefore, you control the figures. And what you can do,
you can
test in a certain way, and you can diagnose in a certain way, and the
go up. And then when you diagnose and test in a different way, maybe
you reduce
the number of cycles of amplification of this genetic material that
using in the test, the figures go down.
The pyramid of reaction to Covid-19
Have you noticed something? We had in
China this extraordinary reaction, the lockdown. They were building new
hospitals in a week to 10 days to meet the absolute devastating crisis
of this
virus, right. In next to no time by comparison with where they were,
hospitals are closed. The numbers have plummeted, they say. They're now
starting flights, the economy is reopening. People are going back out
on the
streets. What? What happened suddenly to change all that? Because it
suddenly. But if you are testing people in a certain way, and you're
people in a certain way, and we're going to bring 5G into this later on
well, then you change the diagnosis and you change the way you're
testing, what
happens to the numbers? They freaking plummet. Now, another aspect of
Brian, which is sickening beyond belief, but I've seen enough evidence
it's true, from people that have contacted me. And people have even
said things
on social media about what's happened to their loved ones. They want, I
want to
say "they", I mean this cult, which controls the pyramid of reaction.
They obviously want as many dead people as possible that can be
Covid-19 because that adds to this whole pandemic.
And we're going to talk
about why, later.
We are going to talk about why,
because it's very big and simple reason why, and it relates to what
there's a
lockdown at all. But, what's clearly happening is that old people in
for anything - first of all, they're being tested for Covid-19, this
material. And for reasons I've explained, a lot of them are going to
positive, not for the virus, but for the genetic material. They're
going to
them, and according to loved ones and families, the people on the ward,
have said to them it's government policy, and they're trying to get
these old
people, the old people that the lockdown was to protect, they're trying
to get
them to sign Do not
forms, which means
they can
be allowed to die and not resuscitated. And when they die without
resuscitation, they will be called Covid-19.
you noticed how this is now
starting to seep out? We may have to make choices about who we treat.
And the
older people, well, we're going to have to make some hard choices. Old
that you're telling not to resuscitate, to sign no-resuscitation forms.
So they
are despicably abusing the very old people that they say this lockdown
is to
protect. One of the family members that contacted me talked about her
83-year-old mother who was in hospital for an orthopaedic reason, not some
virus. And the doctors came along to her and tried to get her to sign a
do not
resuscitate form, and having all her faculties, she refused. But a lot
people won't; they won't know what's going on.
And they're trying to get
them to sign it so they can save the other people. Is that it?
That's what they say. I mean,
Orwellian language, Brian, you have to invert everything. They're
getting them
to sign it so that they can let them die. And everyone who dies is a
because they're tested. This is the scam that's going on. And what it
means is
that they control the figures, by the way that they test, by the way
diagnose, and the way they count them. And thus the figures can be
allowed to
go up, and up, and up to justify further lockdown. And then when they
they have reached the point where everything they want from this is
(which is a completely destroyed global economy, it is vast numbers of
who've lost their independent livelihood and income and thus become
on the state, and you do what the state says if you want your pittance
month), they will bring an end to this, and bring the numbers down. "Oh
we've past the curve", when they think it's gone far enough for them to
have got everything they wanted from it.
The agenda behind the Coronavirus lockdown
Look at China. They did exactly the
same. "Oh, it's terrible, terrible! Oh!" Gone.
How can it be gone in
China? Doesn't make any sense.
No sense, no sense.
This is
infectious in urban environments. And people say they're lying about
numbers. I had a doctor on that says the CIA has seen these funeral
urns being
bought. And those are going through the roof.
Well, all you can say is
that they're opening up China. They're opening up industry. People are
out on the street and they're opening up air travel again. The whole
point is,
however, that the authorities control the figures, and thus they can
when this thing comes down anytime they want, just by changing the way
they count and changing the way that they test. Now, look at this
They were not getting enough dead people from this virus to justify the
that it was lethal. The vast overwhelming majority of people have no
or mild symptoms. Now, just before I go to this point, something else I
add, this RT-PCR test cannot and does not test for how much of a
"virus" you have.
have all these different viruses,
actually part of the natural immune system, in their bodies. And it
will be at
a level that will never trouble them. That's why you can test positive
something and have no symptoms. Because it's at such a low level, it's
going to trouble you. The immune system sorts that out, and keeps it
all under
control. So, what you can't do with this test is test for how much of a
"virus" you actually have. And in the words of one doctor-scientist
that I've quoted in recent times, you need massive amounts of it for
you to be
sick. So they can't even begin to tell you if your sickness is from
some virus
or other unless they can test how much of it you have. And this test
doesn't do
that. So, you don't have enough dead people to justify the fact that
this is
lethal. But you want to lockdown. You want this lockdown for much
reasons, which we will come to.
what you do is you say, "Oh,
yeah, well, not that many people have died so far. But what's coming…?"
Have you noticed all around the world? That's what you're getting, "Oh
wait for the surge". Well, the surge can come any time they want to
increase the way that they test and increase the way that they count
numbers, so they can create a surge, that’s not a problem, or the
illusion of
one, but it's in the future. While Boris Johnson, the British prime
is saying, "Oh, there's no need for this. There's no need to
shut the
football down, and there's no need to close the schools",
along comes
Imperial College, which specialize in absolutely shite computer
modelling. They
have a terrible history for it over the years.
know the computer models that say
the ice caps should have gone by now, right, because, we're all dying
global warming. How do you know? "Because my computer model says so",
right. So, their computer modelled Covid-19. Particularly a guy called
Neil Ferguson, who should never, ever in the entirety of his life, ever
any government ever again; and he says, "Mr. Johnson, two hundred and
fifty thousand to half a million people could die in Britain of this
virus." So,
now, Johnson shuts himself, because he's having people say to him, "You
know, Boris, this is what could happen, mate, if you don't lock it
down, if you
don't have social distancing, and all that stuff. And you know, mate,
going to be blamed for it" - massive change attack.
from "They're not going to
close the schools. I wouldn’t close the football…" we suddenly get to
down. And what they're doing all around the world, they're doing it in
increments. Oh, a little bit, a little bit. And they get people used to
And they planned, if we allow it, we'll get into that later as well,
planning to push this on into more extremes.
The cult behind the Coronavirus pandemic
When the lockdown happens,
and everyone's basically under freaking house arrest, he said,
Ferguson, that
million, two million, whatever it was, Americans were going to die from
2.1 million. And 5 hundred
thousand in the UK.
Yeah, exactly. When the
lockdown happens, Ferguson suddenly rolls back, right. "Oh, no, it's
than 20,000 people". Someone else from Imperial College who is very
closely connected to Freemasonry suddenly says, "Oh, no, it could be
thousand five hundred who will die." And by the way, the part of the
college where Ferguson works takes funding from the Bill and Melinda
Foundation. Gates is absolutely as a gofer, but a rich one of this
cult. He is
right involved in this.
Yeah, or even less. I
heard like 5700 or something.
Yeah. But, the lockdown's
happened, and the lockdown happened on the "It's going to be quarter to
half a million", right. You imagine, Brian, another computer modeller
along, Government advisor, "Well, my model says that it's not going to
happen. We don't have to shut anything down. It's not going to happen."
How long would he be a government advisor? Thirty seconds? They get
what they
want to do what they want. And so we are now in this lockdown. And in a
of days, weeks at most, we have gone from what people perceived as a
free world
to global fascism, global tyranny, in which a tiny few people have got
of people, half the world's population under house arrest. And it's
been done
by scamming this whole Covid-19 thing, which brings me to 5G.
Before we go to 5G, I have
a question for you. I've been watching Trump's live conferences every
and he has Dr Fauci and Dr Birks that come up. Are they aware that this
might not be accurate? Are they part of this? Or are they just
following the
numbers? Oh, you tested? Okay. Oh, you tested? Then that's a death. Are
part of this or are they just reacting as medical professionals or as
You'd have to do serious research
into both of them to answer that question. But this is how it works.
You got a
pyramid. This is how this cult works. You've got a pyramid. And at the
top are
the inner circle of the cult that are driving this globally. As you
come down
from the pyramid peak, you're meeting more, and more, and more people.
But each
step down knows less, and less, and less of what they know. Because the
only way
that a few can manipulate the world as they do is by fierce
compartmentalization, where people only know what they need to know to
their contribution, without knowing how their contribution connects
with their
contribution, and theirs, and theirs, and theirs to create a very
picture to what they think they're actually part of. So, as you come
down - the
top of the pyramid, they absolutely know they're manipulating. They
know it's a
you’re in the medical profession,
and you are told these are the symptoms. When you see these symptoms,
diagnose Covid-19. When anyone comes into hospital, you test for
Covid-19. If
they die, of whatever, you put Covid-19 on the death certificate. So,
this great line in and after every tyranny? "I was only following
orders." This is how it works. But some nurses and some medical
have broken ranks and said, this is crap. Hey, we're diagnosing
Covid-19 for
people's deaths that have not died from it and so on. And also, we're
asked to get old people to sign do not resuscitate forms.
some of them are breaking ranks,
but most of them won't. They just carry on. They might complain and
moan under
their breath, but they do it. This is how it works. So, you have this
Health Organization. Who's the second biggest funder of the World
Organization, second only to the United States government? Bill Gates.
He owns
it. And so, this Tedros, this guy from Ethiopia, from the Marxist human
destroying government of Ethiopia, who was the health minister of
Ethiopia and
was called out three times for covering up cholera epidemics, is head
of the
World Health Organization for no other reason than he'll do what he's
told. So,
the World Health Organization is driving this policy, a World Health
Organization created by the Rockefellers, by the way.
That is constantly making the wrong
calls these last few months.
Yeah. The right call for the cult,
the wrong call for humanity. And so, from this WHO, you're having this
and this way of doing things coming down, and you therefore just follow
it. You
follow the protocol. And I'll give you a great example of that when we
get to
5G. So, because China imposed that viscous, draconian lockdown, and
then the
numbers started falling, what did that do? It set the precedent in
that followed the way to deal with this like China is to have a
lockdown and
keep people away from each other. It's a scam. And this cult is
it. I put a memo on the Internet in the last fortnight. And it's a
picture of
the Earth, and it says, "Ruled by psychopaths. Run
by idiots."
And that dynamic is how it works. You've got the psychopaths in the
who are orchestrating it, and then you've got the clueless: Who am I?
Where am
I? What’s going on? People in politics, etc., who are responding to
that policy
like, "Oh, everyone is going to die. Oh, we better lock down then",
who are clueless about what's actually going on.
Yeah, I don't feel like
Trump and Boris are part of this grand scheme. They look like they're
to a situation and trying to save themselves politically and maybe
trying to
save people based on those constraints or those beliefs.
You look at Boris Johnson, who's - as
we speak, he's in hospital. They've got him out of the way, really. And
it amazing! All those people at the press conference every day -
"Covid-19, Covid-19, Covid-19, lockdown" - all got Covid-19 at the
same time. I thought it was very strange. Anyway, you look at Boris
face, he looks a bewildered, lost man because he's not calling the
shots. He'll
get the blame for it. But he's not calling the shots. His advisors are
the shots. That's what's driving it. The shadows are driving the
policy. This
is why the same policy's happening in every country, because it's
globally dictated.
Trump has tried at least publicly,
to push back against this, because they know their own political
careers as
prime minister and president are going to be absolutely destroyed by
economic Armageddon that these lockdowns have created. Based on what?
computer models and a bloody virus that doesn't exist
and never has been
shown to be. So they've been pushing back. But look at the pressure.
Trump, two million Americans are going to die if you don't lock the
down." So if we come to 5G, it's funny because the first time I sat
and we chatted, what was it? 2018?
Yeah, two years. Over two
years ago.
2018. Part of that chat
was about my opinion of 5G. And some people have started putting those
out on the Internet because I pointed out that 5G was a tremendously
power of electromagnetic energy than we've ever seen before. It's not
just a
little touch on from 4G. 4G's bad enough. 3G's bad enough. It's not
just a
touch on from 4G. It's a whole new part of the electromagnetic
millimetre waves, and immensely more powerful than anything we've seen
the human body is an
electromagnetic field. The brain communicates with the rest of the body
and the
cells electrically. It processes thought information electrically. We
are, on
one level, electrical, electromagnetic organisms, entities. When that
electromagnetic field is in balance, we are healthy. When it is in
imbalance or
disharmony, we get dis-ease, disease, disharmony, which manifests as
disease and psychological disease through the way the processing of
by the brain is affected. We are now being bombarded 24/7 by
technologically-generated electromagnetic fields and Wi-Fi. And in this
of running up to this virus, we've had the introduction in more and
more places
of 5G.
there's a book called "The
Invisible Rainbow" by a man called Arthur Firstenberg. And he has been
researching the impact on health of electromagnetic fields,
generated, for a long time. And in this book he documents that every
time we
have had a major "epidemic", global epidemic, going back to Spanish
Flu in 1918, which had nothing to do with Spain, it came out of
military bases.
But every time we've had this pandemic situation, so often with
symptoms, it has preceded the introduction of another level of power of
technologically generated radiation.
Firstenberg said in 2018, before
5G and before Covid-19, that every single massive increase in
technologically-generated radiation impacting on the Earth's magnetic
which we're interacting with all the time, has produced massive
problems in
terms of health for the human population. He said that in 2018, and in
they introduce 5G, which some of us and loads of doctors and scientists
for it to be stopped because it hadn't been tested for its impact on
and human health.
Has it had any independent
None. The only independent
testing it's had, which has been by truly independent people outside of
telecommunications industry. And you've seen people say, "This could be
disastrous for human health", and they've called for it to be stopped.
Doctors, scientists from 41 countries have signed letters saying this
has got
to be stopped. Of course, it wasn't stopped. And the reason that it's
rolled out without testing, which they've admitted. On Capitol Hill, a
asked the members of the telecommunications industry, this was last
"How much testing have you done? How much money have you spent on
the effect of 5G on human health?" And they said, "Zero." Reason
that is, because if they had, and that had been publicly published, 5G
never have been allowed.
But the telecom companies
don't want to hurt us with the 5G, not them, particularly.
We come back to the pyramid. The
telecommunications industry is owned by this cult, ultimately. Because
what the
telecommunications industry is doing with all this smart technology and
satellites - beaming 5G at every inch of the Earth is absolutely
crucial to
total human control via Artificial Intelligence (AI). So, in the
pyramid of the
telecommunications industry, there will be lots of people here who are
about the impact and really wouldn't want to look at it because, look
at all
the dollars available. But when you get to that level of the
industry, the focal point of control, they absolutely know what it's
going to
do. And why? Because they want that done, given its effect on humanity.
have the ability to manipulate people psychologically, and just
basically they
could do a mass cull with 5G.
what does 5G do? What does 4G do,
but 5G even more? It poisons the cells, which get poisoned by
electromagnetic fields. The cells get poisoned. They release exosomes
as an immune response. And they test for Covid-19. So, where was the first
city to introduce 5G just before the virus broke out? Wuhan.
So, here's
another scenario that people might just take on board and think about.
this lockdown has been going on, 5G masts are being rolled out at a
very rapid
rate. In the same period as this lockdown, something like another 21
towns and
cities have been opened in Britain to 5G. 5G is being rolled out all
over the
world at a very great rate of knots.
This is a time where
everything is supposed to be stopped. And they're still building towers
Yes, because that's
considered essential work. And to the cult, it is essential because
they want
5G everywhere. At the same time that this is happening, in terms of
towers all
over the world being rolled out, and of course, people are not able to
because they are isolated from each other and under house arrest;
that's why
they're doing it. Elon Musk, who is, I wouldn't call him a psychopath
that's not enough. This man is a super psychopath. Reason, he knows
what this
impact is going to be. He is putting, week by week, more and more
satellites at
low altitudes beaming 5G at the Earth. And he has permission for like
tens of
thousands already, and he's just getting towards that goal. What he
wants is
forty-two thousand. Already with just the ones he's got up there now,
astronomy community is been complaining around the world, they can't
see the
freaking night sky anymore because of these satellites which are
beaming 5G at
the Earth.
while this lockdown has been going
on, Elon Musk has
been given permission by the Federal Communication
Commission, which allowed the rollout of 5G without testing because
it's owned
by the cult. Elon
Musk has been
given permission for a
million ground antenna in America, which will, through electromagnetic
connect with the satellites. They are creating a technological
subreality of
5G, what they call the smart grid, surrounding the world with
satellites and
pouring this stuff in because they're creating a subreality to which
the human
mind will be connected to via AI. And they're even giving you a time
when this
should start to happen in a serious way, 2030, a year that keeps coming
up for
everything. So, that’s what is going on.
And he got this permission
during the lockdown?
Yes, during the lockdown.
5G is a range of frequencies. It's not one frequency. If people go to
package for London Real viewers on my website, they'll see in the line
videos a New York doctor. This is a New York doctor who is so
exasperated, he
made a video, he just kind of really stepped out of the line, out of
the box,
and he's been working at an emergency intensive care unit at a hospital
in New
York. And what he says on this video is, "Look, this is not Covid-19.
not what we're told it is." He says, "We were told" - look at
the pyramid, right. And everyone does as they're told. He said, "We
told to treat people with lung problems that come to us as people who
have an
infectious disease called Covid-19." He said, "That is not what we're
and see him talk on the video.
"This is not what we're seeing," he said. He said, "I've never
seen anything like this, in terms of what I'm seeing in the lungs of
people and what these people are suffering and dying from." This is
he said. "Their lungs look like someone who's flying at 30,000 feet,
the cabin pressure disappears. The oxygen disappears. And they slowly
die of
lack of oxygen." He said another analogy. "It's like their lungs look
like something I would expect if you took someone and you put them on
the top
of Everest with no acclimatization," and obviously no breathing
"You would expect their lungs to do that." He said, "I don't
know what's going on, but it's not Covid-19. It's not an infectious
And I've never seen anything like it." And this is admitted by the
telecommunications industry. 5G at 60 Gigahertz (GHz), which is where
they want
to take it - and I say already bloody have, on the quiet - stops the
human body
and blood absorbing oxygen. If someone is hit by 60 GHz frequencies of
5G, they
will not be able to absorb enough oxygen. They will just collapse in
symptoms, that outcome, is so
exactly what this doctor in New York is describing he is seeing, but
"I don't know what's going on. I've never seen anything like it." And
let me just bring this around. They have not had enough dead people,
fixing the figures and getting as many people to die of Covid-19 as
to justify the fact that it's this vastly deadly virus. But the same
time the
death figures are basically not going up of all causes, they're
morgues. They're turning football pitches into morgues. They're doing
it in
many, many countries. They're having preparations for lots and lots of
don't fit. Just fixing the
figures wouldn't justify filling those because they'd never do it. And
they're building all these massive mortuaries, etc., and the figures
start to
go down as they have in China - "Oh, we're through it" - they're
going to look total prats. So, why are they doing it? Well, I'm not
saying this
is going to happen, but I'm saying this is something that we should
watch for.
This is why they're doing it now, rolling out all these 5G towers,
everywhere, these satellites. The more that they expand 5G, the more 5G
is going
to impact upon the population's health. And the more it impacts upon
population's health, the more they can say it's caused by Covid-19. And
if they
start firing out 5G at 60 GHz, they're going to have a lot of people
who are
going to keel over because they can't absorb oxygen.
if they did that, they could
start filling mortuaries, and they could say, "Look, this is the virus,
what it's doing. We must have even more lockdown. It must go on, and
on, and
on, and on." So, we need to watch for that. Given the figures and the
numbers we've had so far, if people start going down in large numbers
in the world where there's 5G and end up in these mortuaries, we should
to question big time and put two and two together. Because that
happening on
the trajectory of figures so far would be unexplainable, but not if
taking oxygen out of the atmosphere. And it could be done in a very
small area.
You can target an old people's home, and you can take the oxygen out
with 5G,
and people will die. And you'll say, "Covid-19". And you know what's
happening? There's been what are now called citizen journalists, people
who go
out with their cameras and their phone cameras to film this stuff. What
doing while the schools are closed, what they're doing while people are
away is they're putting 5G into schools. You know where else they're
5G? Into freaking hospitals. They're putting 5G everywhere. And so,
once this
is set up, they have the ability to manipulate
people psychologically and
physically; and where this is all leading - well, part of where it's
leading - is to the vaccine.
The office of communications is censoring broadcasters
Now, before we get to the vaccine,
there are hospitals that we've seen that are vacant. They're these
things that are vacant. Which means, like you said, they're not going
to be
used. Which is going to make this all look like a big overreaction,
which is
going to make all these lockdown powers be able to easily be reversed.
Yeah, exactly. So, the
question is, are they going to allow that to happen and just say, oh,
no. When
these figures that the Imperial College and this Neil Ferguson prat
don't manifest, what are they going to say? The lockdown was the reason
didn't manifest. So, basically, they can't lose. But they locked down
Italy on
March the 9th, and figures have just gone up week after week, after
week, after
week. Whereas, in China, they went down like that. So, will they just
let it go
down, and that's the end of it? Or are they building these massively
overreacting morgues, etc., for a reason? Because you're absolutely
right. We
are told by the media - and by the media, I don't mean journalists, by
the way.
They'll never be journalists. We're talking about war zone hospitals.
Now, if
they start using 60 GHz 5G to take out people absorbing oxygen, then
they may
well be war zone hospitals in that scenario. But as things are, they're
not war
zone hospitals. People have been going around all over the world -
absolutely right what you say - to these war zone hospitals. They're
empty. They're empty. One guy went around a hospital in Stoke
Mandeville for
two hours filming everything. Bloody place was empty. "Why is this
empty? It's supposed to be a war zone." They've jailed him for doing
look - you mentioned it earlier.
This is very important point. We have in this country a government
a government censor, called Ofcom, Office of Communications, which is
regulator of British broadcasters. They have said - and it's run by a
called Melanie Dawes. We need to note these names
down. And when we're
through with this, at some level through it, these people have to be
called to
account. We have a situation where this lady and her organization,
which is a
government department, has told British broadcasters - and of course
complied, spinelessly as usual - that they will face
serious sanctions if
they allow any discussion on their television stations and radio
stations about
any connection between 5G and so-called Covid-19.
British government through this
other idiot, the health secretary Matt Hancock whom you wouldn't let
run a Lego
house, says that everyone must stay at home - 66 million people in this
country, sitting in their house and doing as they are told. People like
him are
now saying to the giants of Silicon Valley, your Zuckerbergs at
Facebook, your
Brins and Pages at Google, and your Wojcickis at Google-owned YouTube,
etc., that
they should ban people who are making a connection between 5G and this
that tells you, one, they couldn't
care less about freedom and the right to free debate. Thus, they have
no right
to be in government and no right to be running a broadcast regulator.
But it
tells you something else. Number two, it tells you there is a link
between 5G
and this health crisis of Covid-19, as they call it. There is a link.
only one reason they don't want it discussed, because there is a link.
who's been promoting 5G and the rollout of 5G? Who runs the licenses
for 5G? Ofcom,
same woman. So, there is a link between 5G and this
so-called Covid-19,
the situation we're facing. That's why they want to shut it down. If
you can't
win a debate - and they can't win this one - then don't have it. That
is the
motto of every tyranny in known human history.
And this is the only thing they're
telling broadcasters not to talk about. They're not talking about don't
about the vaccines, don't talk about this. It's this specific thing.
they're going out there - if I were a radio station or television
station right
now, I'd probably be arrested. We would be shut down today. But we're
because we're not governed by them - right now.
Right now. But they want the
censorship to go on, and on, and on. Because when your conspiracy is
control of
perception, which means control of behaviour, and there is a virus and
dangerous that has led to behaviour of compliance with house arrest, if
realize there is no freaking virus, and it's a total scam, then their
of acquiescing in that way is less because their perception is
different, so
their behaviour is different. So, where does perception come from? It
from information received. That's why they want to dominate control of
information. And let's just ask this question. Say there's no
whatsoever between 5G and this Covid-19 so-called pandemic. Say there's
connection. What harm is done by discussing whether there is, on a
station? None.
the reason they don't want it
discussed is there is a freaking link. And the fact that the
broadcasters are
just, "Oh, yes, miss. Sorry, miss," shows that they're next to being
useless. It's websites like mine, it's London Real, and such
around the world where the real journalism goes on and the real
information is
made available to people because don't ask the mainstream to tell you.
is not a news organization. It's a government department. What they
journalists are actually civil servants in truth. Call themselves
They're not. You look at any situation, and the BBC will toe the
line and promote nothing but that line and allow questioning of it
every time.
BBC is long passed the point where it is any use to anyone except the
government. And so, we come around to vaccines.
First of all, 5G towers in Belfast,
Liverpool, Birmingham in the last week have been burned and - overnight
people are responding. There's all this stuff going on in Facebook
groups. What
do you think of that? And I know towards the end of this you are going
to tell
us about next steps for us. But what do you think about that action?
It's not for me to tell anyone what
to do because that's their right to choose. But you look at the
situation. And
if 5G continues and reaches where they want to take it, human life as
known is over. I've been saying this for so long. "Oh, you're mad.
Icke's mad." Oh, yeah, okay. You're not laughing now, are you? So,
have to make a decision.
am, personally, absolutely
anti-violence against people. And I don't see violence against people
this absolutely anywhere. If you use violence against people in the
name of
doing something you believe to be right, then you're just a mirror of
what you
are seeking to fight. I have this phrase, "What you fight, you become.
What you hate, you become." But people will have to make their own
decisions. All I will say and repeat again - if this 5G continues, and
rollout continues, that's it. Over. So, what people decide to do about
that is
up to them.
it's very clear that what's
happened is people have been put under house arrest on this false
premise. So,
there's no gathering. There's no ability to protest. And so, they have
reign to rapidly deploy and expand 5G, while so many people have had
employment destroyed, have had their businesses destroyed because they
deemed by the government nonessential. Whereas, rapidly deploying 5G
with all their destructive and psychological potential, is deemed to be
essential work. Now, you put that little lot together, and you can see
there is a massive conspiracy going on here to rollout 5G without
protest. And
that means it's not good for humanity. And Elon Musk, who's this
Silicon Valley
celebrity, is like all of these people involved in this, a super
psychopath. He
should be in jail for the rest of his human life. And I hope they would
put him
in the same cell as Bill Gates because they deserve each other. He is
up more and more satellites, beaming this desperately destructive 5G at
Earth. When you're building a technological subreality to which every
being is connected via AI connections to the brain, then you have to
create a
situation where there is a, if you like, Wi-Fi field in every inch of
planet. The only way you're going to do that is from space, every inch
of the
planet. And that's what they're doing. And Elon Musk knows that, and
that's why
he's a psychopath. Talking of which, we may turn to Bill Gates.
And then, I want us to talk about the
psychology of what all this is doing to us.
Exactly. So, where this is leading is
a vaccine. And in that vaccine will be lots of
genetic material, stuff
that will trigger poison in the cells, which will
trigger exosomes. But
also in that vaccine will be nanotechnology microchips.
I mentioned a
few minutes ago that Elon Musk had got permission for a million ground
to interact with his satellites. These nano-microchips, which are being
into us in many ways, are well beyond the ability of human sight to
see. That's
why they're nano. And they are known as smart dust. Of course,
"smart" on everything. They're known as nanobots. They're known as
neurobots - lots of different names they give them. Smart dust will do.
And the
idea is to put them in the body. And they will act within humans like
ground antenna act with the satellites of Musk. They
connect humans to
this grid, this technological subreality, this AI-controlled
subreality. So, we
basically become nothing more than computer terminals.
That's the idea.
tell you a quick story, which
will lead me round to nano-microchips and vaccines. In the late 1990s,
I was
asked to go and see a CIA scientist in California because he wanted to
get out
things that were going on, but he couldn't. And why he couldn't become
obvious. So, I went to see him at his house. He's in Southern
California. And
his family's there, and his children are there. And they gave me some
food, and
we had a long chat that evening. And he wanted to tell me things that
happening because he couldn't. He said he joined the CIA - he was a
scientist -
because he thought he was serving his country. And he said, when he got
in, he
realized that this conspiracy I had been exposing for 30 years was
happening. That's why he contacted me. And he said, "I'm not doing it.
no, no, no, no, no. I'm not doing that. I'm not playing a part in
And he walked out.
said, next thing he knew, he left
home - after he walked out - and he said, "I've got missing time." He
said, "I don't know what happened after that, but the next thing I
after leaving home, is I woke up on this medical-type bench in this
He was on his own. And he's lying there, and he gets his faculties
back. And he
realizes something's stuck to his chest. So, he opens his shirt. And he
opening his shirt and showing me as he was telling me this story. I
wasn't expecting it, I can tell you. And what happens as he opened his
on his chest was like a see-through plastic shampoo sachet. And inside
was this
orangey liquid, orangey, golden-type liquid. And he said - because I'd
him the question before he did this, "Why do you do what you do?" I
knew what the answer was going to be, but I wanted him to tell me in
his own
words. "Why do you still work for them then?" He said, "Because
of this."
the CIA, they call these patches,
someone's been "patched." And what they did in that missing time is
they manipulate their bodies. He said there were at least a thousand
scientists who were patched at the time. We're talking late 1990s - 97,
something like that. And he said, in that missing time, what they do is
manipulate your body to need the drug in the patch to survive. How they
do it,
I don't know. But they do it. And he said this patch has to be replaced
72 hours. And if you are not repatched, then you start to die a very
death. And he said, "I called their bluff on one occasion to see if
were just scamming me. And they weren't messing. That's what happened."
So, if he doesn't do and use his expertise to support the CIA in this
global cult scam and conspiracy, then he's not repatched. And he
actually said
to me, "I'm holding back knowledge that I have that they want, and I'm
letting them know I am because I know from other people it's happened
to that,
once they think they've taken everything they can get from you, they
just don't
repatch you because then you can't go and tell anybody what the hell's
going on." So, it took a lot of guts to talk to me.
this is what he also told me.
Now, remember, this is 1997-ish. No one's talking about nanotechnology
Later it was - now it's in everything. It's in food. But they were
about it then in the general arena. He said what they are doing is they
are injecting people with tiny, tiny microchips that you can't see in
vaccination programs. And he told me what these
chips were for. And
this is like late 90s. So, these vaccines that are promoted by Bill
Gates and
funded by Bill Gates like no one else on Earth, not least through an
organization called GAVI. And Bill Gates and GAVI want to vaccinate
And they want something else, this GAVI organization Bill Gates has
developing. They want - and this is the name they give - a
quantum tattoo
on everyone who's vaccinated so they can digitally tell if you've been
vaccinated or not.
where this is going is - this Covid-19
scam, eventually they will start to drop, and they'll ease the lockdown
at some
point. But what they're planning is other waves. And because the
precedent has been set, there won't be any run-up to lockdown with any
wave. There will be immediate lockdown. This is what it's all about.
they're getting people psychologically subservient to that. And then,
they will
ask people to get the vaccine - and currently there are seven vaccines
said to
be in the works for Covid-19. Every single one is funded by Bill Gates.
This is
the same Bill Gates who was involved with his Bill and Melinda Gates
in Event 201, which was a simulation of a coronavirus pandemic and how
authorities would react - exactly as they have - six weeks before the
came to public attention in China.
running that Event 201 simulation
of a coronavirus pandemic was the World Economic Forum, which Gates is
massively involved in, this is the one percent, and an organization
called the
Johns Hopkins University Medical Operation in America. Also, there was Johnson & Johnson who is now developing the vaccine for Covid-19. The
Johns Hopkins
organization that took part in that simulation, which turned out
exactly as
it's turned out, also ran a simulation in 2018 along the same lines.
Who is
collating the global figures quoted in the media of Covid-19 cases and
The Johns Hopkins operation that was involved in these simulations.
The purpose of the one world government
The idea is that they'll say, if you
want to come out of lockdown, and you don't want to keep going into
then you have got to have the vaccine that we say you have to have so
that you
are not a threat to the rest of the community.
And that gives you rights.
That's this passport that Bill Gates
was talking about.
Yes. Bill Gates is one of the most
sinister people on planet Earth. And so, you have a situation where
this is
where the game is going. You have this vaccine full of shite to control
you and
to undermine your health so that we can have more pandemics, or you
can't mix
with the rest of the community, you can't fly, etc. Now, this is why,
this is
the real reason why Gates and GAVI, this vaccine alliance, has
developed this quantum
tattoo - so that they can tell who's had the
vaccine and who hasn't.
And there'll be technology that you pass through which will pick it up
you, say, try to get on a plane. Oh, no, you can't. You've not been
Is it like a chip inside of you?
Well, yeah. In simple terms, that's
basically what it will be. Exactly what technology they come up with.
But the
principle is exactly that. And when you pass through technology now at
points, your temperature's going to be taken. The people that run
Valley are so-called lovely people. They care deeply about humanity.
So, first
of all, what they've been doing - they've just released it, people like
- is they're releasing mobile phone tracking data to governments so
could see if there's any gathering of people during the lockdown.
Yeah. They found a bunch of kids who
went to a spring break party on the beach, 70 of them, and they tracked
them to
40 different states in America. I thought that was illegal to give
their data
up, but they're doing it.
Oh, once you have the lockdown, and
you suspend democracy, which is what's happened, and you enter a
tyranny that
can only be described as fascistic, there are no legalities for humans
because the government does what it likes. And it's not the
They're just clueless. It's the dark suits behind the government that
drive it.
So, that's only one step from the microchip, which is where they want
to go.
Whereby, they will track you wherever you go, in real time. And they
will say,
ongoing, that only this amount can ever gather together because they
don't want
mass protests. And they'll know if you do because they'll be tracking
you. Now,
let's go to China.
been saying in the books and
talks for decades that if you want to see what they plan for the West
look at China today. In China, you have a situation whereby there are
of face recognition cameras. The Metropolitan Police have just
introduced face
recognition cameras. See, in China, you've got an open tyranny, and so
this is
what's happening. In the West, it's "Oh, no, it's not a tyranny. We're
just doing it because it's good". They have to do it slower. But now,
they've suspended democracy. They can do it faster. So, they're rolling
out all
this 5G for instance. And so, in China, you've got millions of face
cameras, which are constantly tracking the population in real time. You
are a
number. See George Orwell. See Aldous Huxley. And I've seen
documentaries where
they've sent someone out on the streets of China to see how long it
would take
to find them - minutes, found you.
what happens is these face
recognitions cameras everywhere are - through AI, they're logging your
behaviour. And what you do is you get social credits - you've been a
good boy
and girl - if you behave the way the government wants. If you don't,
those credits
are taken away. And when you reach a certain level of credits taken
away, then
you start to hit consequences. There are millions and millions of
people in
China, who through not behaving as the government wants, are now banned
flying or banned from even going on a train. And this is what is
planned. It's
total and utter control. And this Covid-19 scam, hoax has been designed
create, in very fast time, the very global centralization of power that
we have
- or I have been highlighting for 30 years was coming.
did I know that? Because if you
are willing to put in the hours and the sweat, day after day after day,
suspend your that-can't-be-true mind, you can uncover this conspiracy.
And you
can uncover what is planned because this is not put together in days or
did Aldous Huxley with Brave New
World in 1932 - how did he - why was he so bloody accurate on where the
is going now? Why was George Orwell so accurate with his book "1984",
published in 1948, when he, like Huxley in his own way, were describing
technology like telescreens? We now call them smart TVs. Although, the
TVs today are nothing like what the telescreens are meant to be where
constantly watched in your own home. How did people like Orwell - Eric
his real name - how did he know this technology was coming when it
did a man called Dr Richard Day,
who was an executive of the Rockefeller organization Planned
Parenthood, which
came out of the eugenics movement, how did he know in 1969, that the
was coming? You look at what this Dr Richard Day said in a presentation
paediatricians in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, in 1969, what was going to
happen in
the world, and it is extraordinary, not just in theme, in fine detail.
One of
the things that he told them that night, "We're
going to make boys
and girls the same." None of this is by accident.
It's all by
design. And he described the internet - was supposed to have been
invented in
the 1980's - he described it 1969. He described mass migrations of
people into
Europe in 1969, that it was coming and why.
how did they know this? Because
there is a long, planned agenda for humanity leading to total and utter
through AI and control of AI and perception. And it's going step by
step, by
step, by step. It's what I call the totalitarian tiptoe. You go in
steps. And
each step is promoted as unconnected to the other steps until you get
down the
line, you look back, and you see where all the apparently, but not,
steps have taken you, in very clear and obvious direction.
you are an insider like Day, (Day
was an executive of Planned Parenthood, which came out of the eugenics
and was created by the Rockefeller Family. Bill Gates' father was head
of the
Planned Parenthood and a supporter of Malthus, the eugenicist, as was
Gates. And so, these organizations keep coming up again and again in
to all these different people because they're all bloody connected);
so, if
you're an insider like Day, you know what's coming. And if you work
your bloody
ass off to uncover it, then you can predict what's coming. This is why
my books
over the last 30 years, as people are now recognizing, have been just
extraordinarily prophetic in what's happening now. Why? Because if
there is an
agenda for the world, and nothing intervenes to stop it - which is the
point of my life, trying to make that happen - then it will happen. And
uncovering the agenda and saying this is the plan, you will, without an
intervention, be predicting the future. And the reason my books are so
in predicting the future is they're just revealing what the plan is.
the Chinese have a word, which
means both danger and opportunity. We, ladies and gentlemen of the
human race,
are now at a point of danger and opportunity. If people go on sitting
on their
ass and acquiescing, "Woof, woof. Yes, sir" - if people think it's
bad now, whoa, what? They've not even started yet. And I've been saying
in the
last 30 years to people who've laughed in my face, "You go and look at
your children and your grandchildren in the eye and you justify to them
doing nothing. Because if you think it's bad for you, just have some
imagination and see the world of total utter control, dystopia that
children and your grandchildren are going to live in. And you come and
tell me
then that you're not prepared to get off ass, to start thinking about
give you bloody consequences in
where we're going if we do not put aside - "Yeah, but what are the
consequences for me?" What are the consequences of you not doing it? We
have to stop acquiescing to this cult. And let me put it in
perspective. We
have a health secretary who's not got - I see no evidence that he has
two brain
cells to rub together. He's not making the decisions. He's just a front
man for
the real power in the background, the advisors and such. But Matt
Hancock says
you must do this, and 66 million, without even thinking about it, do
it. And we
sit, and we cook in the ever-expanding 5G. It goes to 60 gigahertz, and
can't freaking breathe. And people are sitting there, "Well, you can't.
The government says."
are at a pivotal point in the
history of the human race, literally, because there will be no human
race as we
know it if we don't get our asses in gear now, worldwide. And people
have said
to me over the years, Brian, "A few people can't control the world.
ridiculous." They've got half the freaking world locked down under
arrest, tiny few people, in a matter of weeks. What do you mean they
They are.
- Elon Musk's involvement in Covid-19
how long are we going to take it?
Because the next thing they'll start doing is sorting out the food.
What can
put people under more dependency than the state controlling food? And
I'll tell
you where this is going. I've said this before, but this is where it's
They're moving eventually into a situation where
food as we've known it
will go. It will be synthetic food. You know all
these attacks on meat
and stuff and all these different wars of food? It's a steppingstone.
It's the
totalitarian tiptoe. What industry has been destroyed as much as any in
world as a result of this lockdown? Restaurants and etc. And they're
not meant
to exist in the long term because they want to control food. Because if
control food, they control you. Because if you don't do what you said,
don't get any food. This is where we're going and ultimately to the AI
connection to the human, where we won't even be thinking our own
anymore. AI will be doing our thinking for us.
Is that through the nanotechnology in
the vaccine?
Yeah. But they're telling us, Brian.
This guy, Ray Kurzweil, another bleeding psychopath in Silicon Valley,
a Google
Executive, he says by 2030 humans will start to have their brains
connected to
AI. And these are his words, not mine, "When that happens, AI will do
and more of human thinking, until eventually human thinking as we know
it will
be virtually negligible." They're his words. I summarize. Now, we have
this psychopath Elon Musk. And he came out some years ago - you might
- and said, "AI could be the end of humanity."
And so,
what does he do? He starts a company called Neuralink to connect the
brain to computer, right. And he also runs this SpaceX organization.
putting the satellites up. But he also runs Tesla, Tesla cars, right.
they're electric cars, right, electric cars.
government has just done it -
why are they phasing out petrol cars and diesel cars? Because where
going is autonomous vehicles where the computer will decide where you
can go.
Petrol car, you get in it. You drive where you want to go. When you're
in an
autonomous car, you will go only to the limits that the computer will
take the
car. And those computers will be encoded so that you go nowhere the
doesn't want you to go. And now, these autonomous cars - you know these
motorways that they're building in Britain? They call the smart
motorways. It's
very dangerous, killing a lot of people. But they don't care. They're
psychopaths. The reason they're building these smart motorways is for
autonomous vehicles.
another Silicon Valley company,
is losing phenomenal amounts of money in its global taxi business
because money
is no object. Money is no object. Money was no object for Amazon when
it was
losing unbelievable amounts of money as it was getting a bigger and
monopoly. And of course, as a result of this lockdown, it's market
globally is going to be vastly larger with all the businesses destroyed
than it
was before. So, Uber, its business model is autonomous vehicles,
"taxis". So, all this money's being pumped. Money no object no matter
how much you're losing. And what they're doing to get that monopoly is
destroying taxi businesses all over the world so they have the
monopoly. What
has this lockdown done? It's devastated the taxi business, but not Uber.
so, you can't have autonomous
cars, and petrol cars, and diesel cars. So, they're phasing out petrol
diesel on this ludicrous idea that humans are causing climate change,
which is
another one-percent hoax run by computer model out of the same people
that are
running the computer models of the so-called virus. The autonomous
vehicles are
run by electricity. So, the electric cars - "Is to save the
environment" - are merely the stepping-stone to electrical autonomous
vehicles. And Musk knows that.
I've described this society they're
creating so rapidly now as the Hunger Games society, where you've got a
few one percent running everything and the rest of the population in
and in dependency on the one percent. What has this lockdown around the
done? Exactly that, on purpose. That's why they've done it. And in the
is a police military state to hold that status quo.
You need to explain what that's done
economically as well and how that links to the universal basic income.
See, that Hunger Games society I've
just described is not possible while vast numbers of the population
independent income. You can't crash people into this poverty stricken,
masses - which is what this Hunger Games society is supposed to be - if
have independent income, or businesses, and stuff like that because
they've got
the money not to fall there. So, what they've done is they've destroyed
those businesses and all that employment. Many of them will never open
And what have they done? They've created mass global dependency on the
And if you take this state, and this state, and this state, and this
state, and
you go to the next level, you have the cult that's orchestrating the
freaking thing.
The stimulus packages. They just
passed one in the States, $2 trillion to $6 trillion. Now they want to
another one and another one.
And what that's going to do is
destroy governments economically. And then, what they're going to say
"The economic system as we've known is no longer sustainable. It is no
longer possible for it to survive. So, what we're going to do, because
we care
so deeply about the human race, is to bring in a whole new economic
system, which
will all be based on a digital currency," which
I've been
predicting in my book since about 1993. And everything you do and
you purchase, they we will know about and, they can decide any time if
you can
purchase or not. If you go into a store now, and you hand over a credit
digital money, and they try your card, and they say, "Sorry, won't take
your card. Computer won't take your card" - you can say okay, I'll pay
cash then. So, when there's no cash and notes - because this virus scam
every box for this cult, everything I've said from the beginning are
by what's happening. They're saying money's dangerous because you could
the virus from it. It's bollocks. And so, people that used to take cash
are not
taking cash anymore because they think they might catch the bleeding
right. And you've got the people - the company that's running the ATMs
came out about three, four days ago and said, by the end of summer,
cash could
be finished because of the virus.
And the UK just introduced plastic
cash, which probably holds the virus longer.
Yeah. It's nothing to do with health.
It's all about control. It's just such crap. Anyway, so when cash is
which is the idea, you only have digital money - and what it's planned
to be is
everything on your microchip. See, totalitarian tiptoe - step, step,
step. They've now gone to your phone. They've gone from your cash.
They've gone
now from your credit card and have gone to your phone. So, now, it's
phone, everything on the phone. And that phone becomes the microchip.
It's only
one step away now. It's all in my books in the 90's.
The dangers of technocracy
And so, you go into a store, and you
pay with your chip or your whatever. And they say, "Sorry, computer
take your card. Oh, it won't take your digital money." So, how are you
going to purchase now? You are not. And dissidents of this system -
which I
will be one to my last freaking breath - will go off the Christmas card
list of
the computer very early on. It's all about total and utter control.
Which is what they do in China now,
Yeah. And as I was saying, this
Hunger Games society, it is fascism it is communism, which are
different names
for the same tyrannies really, centralization of power in the hands of
the few.
But the real name - although, the fascism and the communism, the way it
out is basically the same. But the way it's done is different. It's a
technocracy they're creating. And technocracies - global technocracy.
technocracies are defined as societies that are controlled by
bureaucrats, not
elected politicians. They're going. That's the plan. The more they can
discredit politicians in the public mind, the more the public will say,
"Oh, yeah. Well, they're useless anyway. Yeah, let's have a
technocracy." So, it's run by bureaucrats, by scientists, by engineers,
these people in Silicon Valley are
technocrats. And the technocrats of Silicon Valley are already running
world - and we should not forget Israel either because that's the
Silicon Valley of the world now, as staggering as it may seem. Most
haven't got a clue of what goes on in Silicon Valley, let alone
legislating for it. They're running it. The Gates are running the
vaccine operation. They're running the World Health Organization. And
so, the
technocrats are already taking over. And the more you move into this
technological, technocratic society of AI - the technocrats are taking
because the politicians have become irrelevant.
whose grandfather was head of the
technocratic party of Canada in the 30's, which was campaigning for
just such a
society? Elon Musk. There's no way that he's doing what he's doing by
And he will know what he's doing. And these people need not
celebrating, the
Gates, and the freaking Musks, and the Bezoses - another one - and the
and the Pages at Google, and the Wojcickis at YouTube. They don't need
celebrating. They need calling out. They need exposing for what they're
which is building this technocratic nightmare, dystopian society based
on AI
and total censorship of any other form of view or information that is
at odds
with the official narrative, which is why Ofcom and Melanie freaking
Dawes are
banning discussion of the link between 5G and Covid-19 in British
let me say this, Brian. Let me say
this to the broadcasters. Let me say this to everybody who's just
this. Let me say it to law enforcement. "Daddy, what were you doing
the global fascist state came in and the economic system was destroyed,
and now
we have to do everything the state say or we don't get our pittance
month? What were you doing, Daddy?" The population, "I was just
sitting there, darling." Journalists, "I was helping to bring it in,
darling, by lying to the public." Law enforcement, "I was enforcing
it, darling." All the bloody best with that conversation with your kids
and grandkids, when you face the fact and the reality of what's going
And I say this to law enforcement,
you know. There are a lot of intelligent, genuine, decent people in law
But there are, at the same time, some monumental morons and some
psychopaths, who are loving this now... I say to the decent,
genuine police, law enforcement people in this country, your children
and your
grandchildren are going to have to live in the world you are enforcing
- same
with the military. You're enforcing laws, not to protect the public,
but to
protect and enforce the will of a cult that makes psychopaths look like
Teresa. What are you doing? Look your children in the eye! Look your
grandchildren in the eye! And tell me that you're going to go on
enforcing a
fascist tyranny that is going to ensnare those kids as much as anyone
Take your uniform off. Leave the force. We can't appeal to the
psychopaths. We
can't appeal to the morons in uniform. But we can appeal to the very
number of decent, caring, genuine people in the law enforcement. What
are you
doing enforcing fascism?
What do the rest of us do, David?
What do we do?
It's not for me to tell people what
to do. It's for me to point out the consequences of sitting on your
letting a handful of psychopaths and idiots - because that's the
dynamic -
destroy your future, destroy your livelihood, destroy your kids' future
and your
grandkids' future. You go on sitting on your ass, and that is an
gimme. What have you got to lose? What is there to lose? Most people
have lost
everything anyway, so what you got to lose?
If you are faced with an army coming
at you, if you got somewhere to run, you'll likely run. Army's symbolic
of this
freaking cult and all its agencies. But when you end up in a canyon and
only one way out, and that army's coming through that way out, well,
what are
you going to do? There's nowhere to run. So, you stand up, and you say,
"We're not having this. We're not having this. You want me to do this?
want me to do that? Well, I am not doing it." Because when you've got
nowhere to run, you got nothing to lose.
you know what's happened as a
result of this lockdown? Humanity has nowhere to run anymore. So, what
are you
going to do? Are you just going to take it? You're going to let the
tiny few do
this to you? Or are you going to say, "I'm not having it"? And I'll
tell you what I do. I go out whenever I freaking like, right, whenever
choose. And I don't go near anybody. Because although I say they're
buying a
monumental lie, I respect their right and their belief that they're in
kind of freaking danger. So, I don't go near them. I won't go near
them. I like
my own company to a large extent. So, what I do is I walk out my house,
see anybody. Get in my car on my own, and I drive out into the
countryside. And
I walk, don't see anybody - a person nowhere near me. And then, I walk
and I get in my car. And I drive home. I get out my car, and I walk
back into
my flat. I don't see anybody. Now, I'm allowed to do that, according to
psychopaths and idiots, once a day in Britain. Now, I've said to them,
"Send me someone in uniform. I don't care what fancy dress it is. Send
a dark suit. And if they can explain to me why me doing what I've just
described 10 times a day is going to harm anyone, even by what I say is
ludicrous criteria, then I'll stop doing it." But they never will be
to do that because, of course, it's total freaking nonsense.
the fact it's nonsense, the fact
that going out on your own and away from everybody - if you do it once
or 10
times a day, doesn't matter. You're still not going to harm anybody,
even by
their ludicrous criteria. But you can only go out once. That tells you
this is about. It's not about health. It's about
control. And
it's about a control agenda that goes back ridiculous amounts of time
and is now
heading towards its fruition. This is all in my books in great detail,
ancient-modern nature of this, because this is not something that's
new. It's
something that's now reaching its end game. And 8 billion people,
nearly 66
million in Britain, opposed to a tiny number of people locking everyone
tiny. I think I see a way out of this.
What's the way, David? What's the way
out of this? Us choosing to make a decision based on our own knowledge,
and our
own research, and our own gut feeling of what's right?
Let me just say this. We got into
this freaking mess through acquiescence to power. All of that power is
our perception that it has power. Sixty-six million, handful, I don't
think it
has. So, if we got into this mess by acquiescing to the illusion of
what's the freaking answer? Ceasing to do so. And then, we'll see where
real power is. And it's not with the few. [...]
I think that's exactly where we're
going to leave this today, David.
I'm going to shake your hand. And you
dare give me Covid-19 that doesn't exist!
of Interview]
that you have understood what is
behind this comedy called Covid-19, it's up to you to make your
Do no longer fall into the trap of lies spread by the decision-makers
of this
world, who are all followers of lucifer, whose mission is to destroy
Be vigilant. Be enlightened. Flee 5G like the plague. Protect yourself
from the
waves, as they are extremely harmful to health. Avoid all microwave
and avoid the use Wi-Fi as much as possible. Wi-Fi gradually destroys
can fight Coronavirus, either
preventively or curatively. The solutions exist. So if you already have
it, do
not panic. Coronavirus, like all the other flus, is treatable, and with
ease. Do not be distracted by the demons of the World
Hexerei Organization
whose real mission is to keep the whole world
sick. These hypocrites who give you the impression that they are
working for
your health, are working hard to make sure that you will never be
healthy. Now
you're warned.
psychopaths systematically fight
any remedy that can really cure you, and ensure they make available to
you only
poisons that they call medicines or vaccines, whose only purpose is to
your life. While many African doctors and researchers are curing their
populations with effective and proven remedies that they have made, the
dementia experts tell you that there is currently no evidence of any
that can prevent or cure the Coronavirus. They are determined to impose
on the
world the dangerous new poison they are making. This poison is called
effective remedies for
Coronavirus exist. You simply have to choose the one you prefer. If you
to be treated by modern medicine, there are several African doctors and
researchers who are treating Coronavirus with great success. One of
Doctor Valentin AGON, has developed a drug called Apivirin 500,
completely destroys the Coronavirus in 3 days. Do not be surprised if
idiots at the Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency ban this drug, telling
you that
it has not been authorized or validated by the WHO.
no longer let those lunatics decide
for you what is good or bad for you. Know that these criminals work for
interests of the pharmaceutical cartels, and not for you. Your
life does
not interest them. Please remember once and for all
that you were not
created by these mentally ill people. So neither of them has the right
decide whether you are going to live or die. Do not let them make you
creatures anymore, disposing of your lives as they see fit.
you prefer natural medicine, you
should first know that several African Naturopaths have developed
combinations of natural remedies against Coronavirus. Some of these
combinations can be found in a document entitled "Natural
Responds to Coronavirus", which can be found on the
website, in Health Section.
should also know that President
Andry Rajoelina of the Big African Island called Madagascar, with the
help of
African Doctors and Researchers, headed by Dr Jerome Munyangi, has
produced a
very effective remedy against Coronavirus. This remedy in the form of
tea called Covid-Organics, which
is produced from the Artemisia
plant, works in just seven days. This remedy is so effective that to
date there
is no deaths from coronavirus in Madagascar. Go and ask the World
Organization (WHO) sorcerers what they think of this remedy, and you
understand the reason behind the different qualifiers that we have used
describe them.
that Artemisia, which is
currently used in Madagascar to prevent and cure
Coronavirus, is the
same product that the African Doctor-Researcher, Jérôme Munyangi, has
used to
prevent and cure Malaria. Dr Jerome Munyangi was almost assassinated by
mafia of pharmaceutical cartels, and the WHO he works for, is against
remedy. France and Belgium have banned this remedy. With this you
understand the hypocrisy of these demons who claim to care about your
us also recall that in a Central
African country called Cameroon, a country ruled
for 40 years by
scoundrels of the worst kind, a field of several hectares of Artemisia
destroyed a few months ago in the city of Bangangte,
without any reason,
by idiots who for a few banknotes are willing to sacrifice millions of
And as if that wasn't enough, the owner of this field was arrested as a
criminal and held in police custody by that bunch of scum abusively
administrative authorities.
you should know that by
adopting a good diet, you can cure yourself of Coronavirus and all
natural diseases. To learn more, read the article entitled "Sickness
and Nutrition", which you can found on the website,
in the Health Section.
also recommend reading the articles
entitled "C Medicine: An Organized Genocide",
An Extremely Dangerous Poison", and "The
Truth about
AIDS". These articles are of great importance for
how the satanists of this world manipulate men through diseases and the
so-called solutions they offer to treat these diseases. You will find
articles on the website, in the Health section.
conclusion, we would like to
express our gratitude to the Researcher David Icke for the risk he took
exposing this satanic plan, and to the Journalist Brian Rose who put
his TV
channel at risk by doing this interview, despite the threats he had
This interview has been banned by YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, and the
telecommunications regulator Ofcom. If you are interested in other
dealing with subjects that the lying media do not cover, feel free to
David Icke's site,, or Brian Rose's site,
to all who love our Lord Jesus
Christ with an undying love!
Dear brothers and sisters,
If you have run away from fake churches and would like to know what to do, here are the two options available to you:
1- See if around you there are some other children of God who fear God and desire to live according to the Sound Doctrine. If you find any, feel free to join them.
2- If you do not find one and wish to join us, our doors are open to you. The only thing we will ask you to do is to first read all the Teachings that the Lord has given us, and which are on our website, to reassure yourself that they are in conformity with the Bible. If you find them in accordance with the Bible, and are ready to submit to Jesus Christ, and live by the demands of His word, we will gladly welcome you.
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you!
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